Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Easter !!!!


cindy mc said...

hi ayden's mom and dad! I am miss cindy from the dance studio. I talked to you at dress rehearsal.

at recital, my father, al conte, realized that he knows aydens grandpa catanzaro. they have spoken of ayden's condition, and of that of my niece, anna conte. He was very sorry to have realized this when it was too late to try to reach you with all the craziness backstage.

so, i told him i would look for ayden's site and give you his best wishes.

I don't know how this site works out for you, but there is a free one that we use for my niece, miss kelsy's little brother, and a dad from the studio who was badly burned.

it is "caringbridge.org" you can visit my niece at"caringbridge.org/visit/annaconte to see how the site works. it is a great tool for keeping in touch, and allowing people to comment back to youand ayden.

hope to see him back next year. he did a great job!

cindy mccormick

cindy mc said...

my e-mail is cindymc123@roadrunner.com if you have any questions on the caringbridge site

laurie said...

Well i just wanted to say I had the pleasure with my family of meeting Ayden and his family at the beach .We shared a few stories , laughs, smiles, and flirts (yeah he's a cutie). For all that this boy has been thru he has a great outlook on life and in conversation you cant help feel how good things really are no matter how you feel ...I would love for him to meet my nephews they also dwarf's.I want the meeting so they don't feel like they are the only ones out there with this challenge. I also have to give a shout out to his mom what a delight , very open ,informative , and a true fun spirit .keep in touch guys Love laurie,Lynn, Katie and Crissy .