Friday, October 9, 2009


Unknown said...


I love looking at the photos of the children... they are too cute.

Jeremy, your dad gave me the website to see Ayden singing on stage but I had computer troubles and couldn't view it. Somewhere I lost it. Can you please e-mail it to me so I can try again? I gave you my card with my e-mail address when you stopped with your dad.

Thanks Cricket Humphrey

Dallings said...

AHH! So awesome. I showed Val Dean. He loved it! Your kids are so adorable.

I know what you mean now by best friends, worst enemies. Now that Vivien is standing she is no longer his little baby... she is competition! It's awful. He keeps pushing her down. He wants her to stay crawling. They are about the same height now. She is in the 95Th percentile for height. I hope this jealousy does not last long....but I am afraid it might.

Lisa said...

What a great photo....super cute!

(trach forum)