Monday, August 9, 2010

1 comment:

Dallings said...

wow! I have not checked your blog in forever. Ayden looks great. Your family pics are so adorable and I can't believe he is in first grade. When did he get the scooter? How did you know when to do it? My son will no longer walk up or down the stairs or very long distances. He wont even walk out to the car. I wanted to ask you if Ayden ever had sleep problems. My son, Val Dean is going through some difficult sleep issues. He seems like he can't settle his body down. He is tired and cranky all day but can't seem to fall asleep and he wakes during the night and early in the morning. He says his legs hurt or his tummy hurts but I am not sure thats the problem. Anyway it's driving me mad so I thought I might ask you. Whats the latest with you guys? I cant wait to hear from you!
Thanks, Brooke Dalling