Saturday, May 10, 2008

Aydens night

Well ,his night went pretty well but he does have a fever right now,probably just a post op fever & he is on weak antibiotics,so If it continues beyond 3 days then they will bump it up.He is needing morphine every 3 1/2 hours or so,he wakes up a little & starts coughing & they are still suctioning some blood out & he gets pretty uncomfortable so the extra morphine on top of the cocktail drip is very helpful.He is responding to our voice,so even though he does not know what is going on he can her us & calms when we put his "DD" in his hand(his blanket).Ent came by this morning & I got a peak at his "naked neck",I could barely see the incision & for the first time ever Ayden is sleeping with his chin touching his chest!,No more stupid HME scratching his chin up.The rib incision is about the whole front of one side of his chest,but I love his new scares!Today so far has been a bit harder than yesterday,I'm happy he knows I'm here but I hate hearing the vent & seeing his chest rise every time I hear that noise & I know its only temporary but Its hard seeing a machine breath for him.So the plan is to keep him comfortable & tomorrow they will take the drain in his chest out & on Monday the drain in his neck will come out & hopefully by Tues. or wed. he will go back into the OR to see how the graft is coming along.As always all your support,prayers,& well wishes are really helping us through,(other than the occasional tear jerker replies!,Ha,Ha) Talk too you all soon....................Love,Angie


teri said...

godd morning
i am so glad that everything is going as planned i can't wait to see you ayden.
if possibe give both ayden and ava a hug for me.
and to all the mother's there,




Jones Family said...

J & Angie,
You have a amazing little boy and I am pleased that everything is going well. xoxo love , Dar

Uncle Mike said...

Uncle Mike & Aunt Claudia are so very happy to hear that everything is going good. Ayden, I just know that you are going to be a very good baseball player, because your Dad keeps telling us that "Ayden hit another one out of the ball park." And if you decide to be a hockey player, I'm going to come to your games so I can yell "He shoots, he scores".

Please give Ayden & Ava a BIG kiss & hug from us. Our thoughts & prayers are with you everyday. And to Angie & Liz HAPPY MOTHERS DAY, it looks like you two have gotten a very special gift for Mothers day. We love you ALL!

Anonymous said...

Hi Angie and Jay,
I knew everything was going to go well.Thank God for strong families and great drs. and hospitals. Putting your trust in them is hard at times,but it has paid off once again!
Ayden is a strong kid with resiliency that makes him just "shine". His parent's have that quality too. He's a fighter because his mom and dad are too.
On Mother's Day Angie ,I am sending you a long distance hug. Job well done! Happy Mother's Day! GIRL POWER!!!!!!!!!
Take care guys,

Anonymous said...

My prays are with Ayden and all the family. I am so happy to hear everything is going well. I think you are all very strong. Ayden is "SuperMan".
Happy Mother's Day All!
