Saturday, May 10, 2008

Breathing on his own!

He still has the vent in,but hes taking all his breathes himself,with some oxygen,this is good!Right now they are trying to see if he can handle being awake,still on morphine & other pain meds,but they've taken away the anesthetics & paralytics.If he can do this, his recovery will be much easier & he wont have to go through so much withdrawals.He is still running a fever,so his heart rate is a bit high so hopefully he will keep responding to Tylenol.So everyone send us some good vibes..............................Love Angie


ginaandbrett said...

yaaaaay my little booger is doing amazing!

Hirner Family said...

Hello guys !
I am so happy to hear he is breathing on his own. He sure is a tough guy !!!!! We love you !!!! and Happy Mother's Ang and mom !


Aunt Amy said...

He looks like a beautiful (sorry I know this is not a good word when describing a boy - sorry, Jay) sleeping angel!!!