Sunday, May 18, 2008

New Pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Uncle Mike said...

Seeing you all with Ayden was the best thing I could have seen this morning. Shows the Power of GOD, Prayers and a bunch of great doctors & nurses. You ALL look fantastic. Love you all & have a great Sunday.

teri said...

I am so proud of you Ayden. I am so thankful to God for answering so many prayers. Angie, J, Rick, and Liz thank God for such wonderful people. (I see a book in someones future) lol Thank you for the continues pics it lightens up my day. Thank God for the internet. I don't seem too far away. You'll have a great Sunday God Bless I love you all


barb0428 said...

these new pictures are the answer to many a prayer. i guess i am amazed at how much one little boy can endure. he really is amazing, to go through what he just went through and not really complain i guess we can all learn a lesson from this. miss all of you it is too quiet without all of you my favorite picture is of ayden with the elizabeth look lol the stadler family

Uncle Scott said...
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Baby Lily AnneMarie said...

OH Happy Day!!!!

Good Morning!!!
I am super happy for you guys today. The Hulk and Michaelangelo pics are great!! Ayden, you look so happy. I love your smile!!!
Thanks God for answered prayers!!

I love you all!!


oppie12036 said...

simply amazing... Ayden you are so strong and my super hero!
Ang and Jay I bet there has been so much weight lifted of your shoulders - so very happy for you all I love you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Angie, Jay, and Ayden,
You all look amazing with your smiles and togetherness.Matthew was looking at the pictures today and he said,"he doesn't look like the same kid!". He does look different.I can't explain it.What an awesome picture for your happy memories.Gave me chills and tears. So happy for you's,Amazing stuff!
I have played in the mud with your guy.I would like to be there one time when he goes to the beach.Keep me in mind on one of your treks to the beach this summer.
Your mom, Joyce, and Renee came over to see the posted pics.
Well I'm on a mad cleaning frenzy today,gotta keep moving before I lose my grooving.Take care!

Jones Family said...

Hello Family,
It's great to see smiles on everyone. Take - care & hope to see all of you soon. love, darlene & aunt peg xoxo

Christamae said...

This is Christamae from First I gotta say that your little guy is adorable! Obviously a great fighter. Congrats on no more trach!

Anonymous said...

OMG! What a wonderful site. I am over joyed for Ayden and the rest of the family. Ayden definitely is a fighter. I can't wait to see all of you!

Love you all!


Kate said...

You all look like you had such a good time. I am SOOOOoooo glad that all continues to go well. he just looks like he's bounced back. Incredible!

I was particularly moved by your account of hearing him making normal sleep sounds for the first time. That made my heart melt (and yearn a bit).

It's so upcheering reading one great blog entry after another. It couldn't happen to a nicer family!!

Susan said...

You guys look like such a fun family. I'm SO glad to hear things are going so well. So sweet about the sounds he's making when he's asleep. I can only imagine how sweet it must sound. Ayden is so darn cute!

Lynda said...

YAH!!!! Glad to hear Ayden is no longer in ICU and doing great. We love the pics! We are still praying for a speedy recovery and can't wait to see you soon in Buffalo.
Love, Bobby, Lynda & Tori