Thursday, May 15, 2008

Back from the OR

The graft looks perfect,but the back wall of his trachea is floppy.They reconstructed the front wall & they never knew the back was floppy to.His vocal cords are also swollen from the ET tube.They put a smaller ET tube in & started steroids for the swelling.The plan is to extubate tomorrow & over the next 48 hrs will tell us if its going to work or not,they have no idea.The hope was that his airway would be stiff & round,but its not,its oval a still a bit floppy.They think its because of the dwarfism,the type he has makes all the cartilage in his body softer than everyone Else's.They said hes not your average kid & his battle will be bigger & harder.We were told not to be surprised if tomorrow he gets into distress & cant breathe,they will try everything possible to not have to reintubate.My poor boy still has soooo far to go..................Angie


oppie12036 said...

Hey Ang! I know it's not everything you wanted to hear but very strong news! Don't get discouraged I know Ayden has a far way to go but look at how far he has come!!!

Love you very much keep your head up and stay strong!!!

Jones Family said...

J & Angie,
remind yourself that Ayden is a fighter. We all have faith that everything will come out great. Stay strong !!! Love, Dar & Eric

Baby Lily AnneMarie said...

Hey Guys,

Remember its Ayden we are talking about. He's so tough. He sometimes just needs a little longer. I love you all.