Thursday, May 8, 2008

Surgery tomorrow

Well,we made it .....No sickness & his vocal cords are completely normal & hes protecting his airway when he eats & drinks.We check into the hospital at 6:00 & his surgery is at 7:30.They are not going to do the spinal monitoring,they decided it would be better for him to remain flat for the procedure & only hyper extend him when absolutely necessary.I cant believe its already tomorrow,I just feel numb.If this surgery was possible 3 years ago it would have been easier because we WANTED the trach out so bad then,we still do now but after almost 5 years of life with a trach,Its just become a normal part of Ayden.Were going ahead with the LTP because I'm so afraid to send him too school with a trach,worrying that other kids would pull it out,or Ava for that matter in a blink of an eye.I want so badly for him to be able to play with the other kids on our street,without me constantly hovering over him,& to not have too run for cover every time a kid at the park starts coughing & sneezing.My only hope is that no matter what happens,whether it works or not,I get him back just the way he is.He knows about the surgery & is excited for his trachy too come out & in his words"then I can go swimming!"He said he wanted too bring "Jerry the mouse & Ava`s doll".Thank you everyone again for your support we really need it right now.I will update throughout the surgery,thank you for being with us.....................Love,Angie

1 comment:

teri said...

again i will say my thoughts and prayers our with you. i will be behind you all in spirit lifting all of you up.
love you much
aunt teri